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1) What is coaching?


Coaching is a form of personal development and is a method that is used in order to achieve set goals. Coaching helps clients break through their self-limitations in order to achieve extraordinary results in their lives, businesses and relationships.

2) How do I know if coaching is the best option for me?


Coaching is right for those who have a set goal. Coaching accelerates the process by utilizing methods and tools that will increase your awareness while you are achieving those goals.

3) What is the difference between therapy, counselling, and coaching?


Therapy is an effective regulated treatment that is used to address mental and emotional traumas and conditions. Often times therapy can be attained through medical treatment. 


Similar to therapy, counselling is an effective treatment for those that are experiencing trauma and other issues, however, unlike therapy, counselling is not always regulated.


Coaches may work with their clients in various life areas, but unlike therapy and counselling, is unregulated. A licensed therapist or counsellor can deal with emotional and mental traumas in a way that a life coach is unlicensed to do.

4) Are there any different types of coaching? 


Yes! There are various types of coaching. There are coaching services available in most industries in all areas of life.

5) How does coaching work? 


Coaching works via a process of effective communication from both or all parties. Depending on the willingness to learn, adapt and implement new thought patterns, you can start to see results in your life.

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