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Welcome to the Pre-Qualifying Discovery Call Page.



**This is a 12-Week 1:1 Email Coaching Program**


You are here because you are a coach that is ready to transform your self concept and business;


✔️ You are ready to shift deeper into your desires and quantum manifestations.

✔️ You realize it is time to maintain a high self concept.

✔️ You are ready to materialize your desire by streamlining your manifestation process.

✔️ You are also ready to increase your quality of life by maintaining desired feeling states.


This program will teach you how to materialize your desire with quantum manifestation techniques. If you are ready for multiple quantum leaps, let’s discuss how you will quantum manifest your next high ticket client with similar quantum manifestation techniques.


By the end of this program, you will know what your manifestation gaps are, how to expand your self awareness, collapse timelines and select the reality you desire to live in.


You will also learn how to materialize your desire and how to maintain the feeling state of this desire so you continue to experience it.


Disclaimer: All experienced quantum leaps are who YOU truly are. Soon you will have the tools and techniques that bring you closer to who you truly are.


What is included in your transformation:

✔️Increased self awareness

✔️Imagination expansion

✔️High self concept development

✔️Exploring infinite possibilities and versions of you in those possibilities

✔️Mastering the feeling state of already having

✔️Exploring all aspects of life as your highest version

✔️ Maintaining your quantum manifestations


By proceeding with our call, you agree to

✔️be fully committed to completing this program to the best of your ability

✔️commit to giving your undivided attention to your high self concept

✔️creating an infinite and divine consciousness between you and you


You will receive techniques and tools that will:

✔️Release subconscious set backs

✔️Release old belief systems that no longer serve you

✔️Release imposter syndrome and low self worth

✔️Release negative self talk, thought patterns and states of being

✔️Allow you to be aware of your limitations in real time

✔️Allow you to shift into a higher perspective outside of your limitations

✔️Allow you to focus on creating from your God/Creator like tool

✔️Allow you to live as your 5-year future quantum self

✔️Allow you to close your next paid high ticket client


Lastly, you consent that you are open to expanding your quantum field over the next 6 weeks.


By the end of this program you will have shifted into the feeling state of having and materialized it. You will also have the tools to maintain the results of your mastered feeling states.



✔️A wellness wheel

✔️A goals and objectives activity

✔️Self concept and identity shifting tools

✔️Up to 3 customizable hypnosis (guided meditation) sessions including the recordings (30 min session)

✔️Up to 12 weekly LIVE Q&A sessions

✔️A limited-time BONUS session and additional tools to manifesting your quantum self with the law of assumption methods


*You must answer all questions in the Pre-qualifying consultation page in order to proceed.


I look forward to our chat!

1:1 for Self Concept Coaching (12-Week Program)

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